Friday, July 6, 2012

Children Learn What They Are Exposed To

Children learn early from us, if we fear a spider so do they. If we love snakes so do they.
 Choose your words and actions carefully.
    Thanks Mom and Dad!


  1. Hi Tina, I also believe that children learn from their environment. They absorb so much and sometimes I have to take a step back and go over the words that come out of my mouth. Children are usually fearless until someone speaks a word or does something hurtful to shatter that.
    I love the picture.

    1. Hi Shale,
      I find my self always watching my words around kids, obviously not profanities, but I have a tendency to answer questions too quickly, so I have to slow down and let the child come up with an answer. Who ever thought this job is easy is crazy, its a constant check and balance with each individual child.

  2. Hello Tina,

    I'm so so glad that there are people like you that teach with their hearts thinking of our mother Earth. I get so frustrated when someone doesn't think that kids can learn to take care of their environment at an early age. I personally taught my students the best I could not to waste water, electricity, paper, and things like that in the classroom. I'm really concerned about our planet and global warming as well. If you can post any websites that you might have in teaching children about the environment that would be helpful ;)
    Thanks for sharing. By the way, you look so pretty on both pictures :) Love your dog !

    1. Thanks Elisa,
      website for nature teachers and references A great classroom reference book is "Earthways; Simple Environmental Activities for Young Children." by Carol Petrash, another teacher guide book which is a quick read is "Beyond Ecophobia Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education" by David Sobel. This has a glance at age appropriate ways to talk to kids about our earth. If they get overwhelmed they have the opposite affect that we were looking for. Its wonderful that an individual teachers passion for the environment comes through to the children.
      Nice work! PS I have 3 dogs, I replaced my children as they moved out of the house, Ha!

  3. I respect your passion for nature. If we follow the interests of children. They will bring nature into the classroom daily. Bugs, leaves, rocks etc.
