Saturday, July 6, 2013

Communication Behavors

My brother is a director at Proctor & Gamble, his job has moved from a designer to a director that helps teams address relationship obstacles, eliminating each persons ability and how they can benefit the team. This is truly fascinating to watch in action in an everyday circumstance. As he calls it being transparent, this is so effective with his teenage daughter, a larger heated mediation or getting updated on the latest news of someone he hasn’t seen for a while. He is very present with his vision and body language and he never points fingers. With his teenager he will say I’m feeling you are upset as his daughter screams she is not, staying calm he asks what is she feeling and she is able to tell him. He listens intently and reiterates what she has said in hope he understood completely. The transparence come from no assumptions, for example rather than telling his daughter you are making me feel frustrated, he words it that he is feeling she is upset therefore there is not blame it is a clarification. 

This is particularly affective when dealing with conflict and I would like to model my communication as well as the calm demeanor he uses. Another behavior is being fully present whether it is with a child, an adult or a large group. If he lived closer to me I would just follow him around and observe, it is amazing to watch.


  1. WOW! Don't we all wish we could communicate like that? Your brother obviously has a gift. I would love to see him in action communicating with his daughter. I think we all know that it can be very difficult to communicate effectively with teenage children, or in my case, pre-teen children! We could probably take some great lessons from your brother in how to make everyone we communicate with feel respected and understood! What a great model you have!!

  2. Tina

    It sounds like he has to use many I messages. I am sure it takes much patience in having a job in which one must address team relationship obstacles all day.
