Dear Colleagues and friends,
Thank you for guiding me through my new adventure of attaining my goals and pursuing my passion!
I glanced over my blog and the comments made, and I must thank you all. As I look at the first post, we were all so excited to have figured out the blogs. I feel supported in my love of nature and passing that along to any child, teacher and parent that will listen. I have gained some great additional resources, been inspired by quotes and am awe struck by all the individual experiences that brought you to Walden and this new beginning in our professional life. My best to all and I look forward to more blogging!
Elisa I'm sure you can relate to the round bellies in the picture, since it wasn't long since you were there. Pictured is my daughter (& grand baby) and two little girls wanting to be just like their teacher, at my little non profit environmental preschool. (It's not really mine, but its been my baby for the last 20 years, its my youngest child.) My heart felt thanks and love to all.